Tahmin's profile picture

Hi, I'm Tahmin 👋🏽

I'm a software developer based in Seattle, Washington, committed to developing innovative solutions, experimenting with new technologies, and leveraging data to enhance my skillset and knowledge.

About Me

As a developer, I thrive on challenges that promote personal growth and experience. With a strong foundation in software development, I enjoy working on both the front-end and back-end of applications. I am always looking for ways to optimize performance, improve user experience, and ensure the highest level of code quality.

Throughout my career, I have worked on a wide range of projects, from simple static websites to complex enterprise-level applications. I am proficient in using a variety of development tools and frameworks to create elegant and effective solutions to complex problems. I am committed to continuous learning and exploring new technologies, constantly seeking out opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge!

Hiking picture















Pokedex App

A web app built using React, data from a RESTful API, and deployed through Vercel that visually displays all Pokemon (generations 1-7) where users can filter and view details of specific Pokemon for individual stats and abilities.

Miscarriage Statistical Analysis

A research project that focused on examining existing pregnancy data (primarily from the National Survey of Family Growth conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics) to predict a person's risk of miscarriage.

Python (through Jupyter Notebook) was used to scrape data hosted by the United States government on an FTP server. The Pandas and NumPy libraries were utilized to clean, filter, and feature engineer the data.

Lastly, the Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries were used to construct and generate the statistical graphics and data visualizations present within the final analysis report.

COVID-19 Mathematical Model Analysis

A research project focused on mathematically modeling (primarily through epidemiological compartmental models) the initial outbreak of COVID-19 within the population of Hubei Province in China.

It utilized data reported by the World Health Organization from February 2020 to early March 2020 and incorporated initial academic research from that period.

MATLAB was used to write the functions for each compartmental model and to generate the plots for growth rates and stability analysis.

Discord Bot

A Discord bot built using Python through Repl.it that sends positive and encouraging messages. The bot responds to users with positive messages when it detects negative words

Chat App

A web app built using React and deployed through Firebase that allows users to communicate with others that are in the same chat room through text messages and pictures by using their cameras on browser and mobile.

Developer Portfolio Website

My current developer portfolio built using Next.js and deployed through Vercel.

Simple Text Editor

A minimal text editor built in C with no dependencies. It implements basic features expected in a text editor including syntax highlighting and search.

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out to me anytime for new opportunities! My inbox is always open. I'll try my best to get back to you! Cheers!

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